10 September 2024

We Look Back… and Forwards

25 November 2018

Our Annual School Mass is always an affair in which we engage with mixed emotions.  In this liturgical time of remembrance, we rightly look back and remember the Conlethians who are no longer with us, a list which grows longer each year.  But we also take great joy and hope in seeing the ever-renewing community of St. Conleth’s, gathered as one in celebration of our Christian ethos.  Our Chaplain, Father Michael, as always, had the right words for the occasion, reminding us of the hundredth anniversary of Armistice Day, and also the universality at the heart of our ethos.


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The many names of St. Mary’s Catholic parishioners on the World War Remembrance plaque poignantly drove home the message.  We are more must-cultural and multi-faith as a community than we were in 1918 or 1939, but the essentials of our Catholicism are such that they find much resonance in many other faiths and beliefs, and though the rites may be different, there is much more in common to keep us together.  Together also were the Junior and Senior Schools which is always a delight to see- and hear.  Ms. Hartnett and Ms. Fay and Ms. DeBhal had their respective choirs in top voice, as you can hear and see below!


by Charles Latvis

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