In One, Full Voice

The Annual School Mass, once again, brought together the whole St. Conleth’s community, reminding us of our past and spurring us towards the future, with our Christian ethos essential to us finding the way… starting with the short, but always eventful walk through the Ballsbridge side-streets to St. Mary’s Church on Haddington Rd. Juniors and […]

They Didn’t Run Away…

…but they did join the circus! Yes, the TYs were spared the sneaking out of the bedroom window/shimmying down the drainpipe/hopping on a westwards-bound freight train routine just to join the circus because the circus came to them! See, amongst TY Co-Ordinator Mr. Trenier’s many past occupations was serving as The Tall Man in a […]

Christmas Crooners!

The term, and the year, at St. Conleth’s ended on a high note with our traditional Christmas Carols Concert! Every year was represented, including some cross-class collaborations. Here are the highlights, complete with two perspectives of Milo Smith’s new Conlethian anthem!

This Means Plenty to Them: Oh, Vienna!

The Music Department has, once again, taken the lead in providing adventurous learning experiences for our students. Led by noted vagabond Ms. McGuinness, who was last seen within regular classroom walls in 2019, a not-so-motley group of Fifth and Sixth Years put paid to Midge Ure’s desperate cry. Vienna means plenty to this crew after […]

COPped On!

Yes, the virtue-signalling and jet fuel-dripping Green elites have gathered in that noted hotbed of climate action, Azerbaijan, but on the ground it is people like our very own Cecilia Franken who has done the real work of saving the Earth from climate change armageddon. Cecilia has been taking TYs all year, leading them in […]

Seconds, Anyone?

Yes, please… and we’ll have four more servings! Mr. Morris’s Magical Mayhem moved on to Second Years last week, and the slightly-less-young youngsters had even more fun than the First Years, building their vocabulary, arithmetic, facial muscle control and morsel-catching skills! See the highlights below… and, Third Years, stop that mocking laughter: you’re next!

Mr. Morris’s Wonder Emporium

Who’da thunk it? That Mr. Morris, highly efficient and logical man of maths and science, would take his talents and work ethic in a new direction: that of pure invention and fun! Well, we House Masters are certainly happy he did. Mr. Morris compiled, concocted and collected a bag full of funky, funny tasks and […]

Shiny, Happy People!

A few of like to think that we are ‘down with the kids’ but, inevitably, our ability to connect with Zoomers and Alphas is limited by our traditional grasp of irony, image-scanning lethargy and general Boomer mentality. So, the Nobber Knight, Guidance Counsellor ‘Flash’ Gordon, knew that even his jovial juvenilia has its limits and […]

Halloween Happenings!

Happy Halloween! But before you go tricking or treating, check out these pics from our midterm-ending costumed capers! And, of course, our Juniors provided the most enthusiastic and creative Happy Halloween happenings!

All Together, Now

‘Assemblies’, by definition, are just gatherings of people but our October Assembly was much more than that. Like our recent Artworks celebration, it showcased the best of us, in terms of talents, achievements and milestones, but it was also, simply but profoundly, a gathering of different people for a common purpose, that of building on […]


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