Mr. Morris’s Wonder Emporium

Who’da thunk it? That Mr. Morris, highly efficient and logical man of maths and science, would take his talents and work ethic in a new […]

Shiny, Happy People!

A few of like to think that we are ‘down with the kids’ but, inevitably, our ability to connect with Zoomers and Alphas is limited […]

Halloween Happenings!

Happy Halloween! But before you go tricking or treating, check out these pics from our midterm-ending costumed capers! And, of course, our Juniors provided the […]

All Together, Now

‘Assemblies’, by definition, are just gatherings of people but our October Assembly was much more than that. Like our recent Artworks celebration, it showcased the […]

Could This Be The Next ‘Rudy’?

First of all, let’s get one thing straight: when you go on your holliers, and your parents make you visit the Parisian sites, one of […]

House Hunting

Even in a small and cozy school like St. Conleth’s, starting off in First Year can be tough, and though our devoted, caring, saintly Form […]

A Jolly Jaunt in Killiney!

Yes, Howth and Bray may be fine locales for perambulations by the TYs and other years, but our rather refined Fifth Years demanded a better […]

Booterstown Bronze!

Chess is sort of like rugby… at least, in this sense: if you are the best in Leinster, you the best in Ireland, and, maybe, […]

A Clash of Titans!

To be honest, the lunchtime antics in the yard had been a bit tame this year… no ‘Kirwan Bros. Fight Club’, scarcely a ball to […]

Our House!

Somewhere, in the plushly decorated but carbon neutral throne room of The Elders, Mary Robinson is smiling. Why? Because The Elders‘ plans to share dominion […]


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