Our House!

Somewhere, in the plushly decorated but carbon neutral throne room of The Elders, Mary Robinson is smiling. Why? Because The Elders‘ plans to share dominion […]

Fifty Years of St. Conleth’s Women!

Ann Sheppard, as she always does, pulled it off! The end of May is a mad time at every school, but especially at St. Conleth’s, […]

The Hand of Gord!

Mr. Gordon Weldon never tires in his efforts to encourage St. Conleth’s to embrace the new ‘house system’ and the students responded this year with […]

L’année de Transition, C’est Moi!

If anyone should be allowed some royal hubris, it is Gav Maguire. For five years he has ruled Transition Year… with a velvet glove, only […]

Glendalough and Chill

We tend to concentrate too much on Sixth Years and Transition Years at this time of year, so we figured we would check in on […]

A Lyrical Leaving

The beautifully decorated School Hall provided the perfect setting for the fitting finale to the Graduating Class of 2024’s time at St. Conleth’s.  Sixth Year Form […]

The Debate Goes On!

We have the Leinster (Irish) Debating crown… and we plan on holding it! And what has made St. Conleth’s such a perennial challenger for the […]

Bored? Try Board Games!

One of the many good things that Mr. Ronan Carvill has brought to St. Conleth’s is his enthusiasm for board games. We had sporadic starts […]

Delphi Dip!

And last but not least… it was the First Years turn last week to head west for adventure, this time to Delphi Resort, where the […]

House Proud!

Mr. Weldon never tires in his efforts to encourage St. Conleth’s to embrace the new ‘house system’ and the students are responding with zeal and […]


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