27 July 2024
Game, Set and Match!

Junior School Head of Sport Louis Magee has earned his summer break after leading his enthusiastic and talented minions through a great variety of sports, […]

Our House!

Somewhere, in the plushly decorated but carbon neutral throne room of The Elders, Mary Robinson is smiling. Why? Because The Elders‘ plans to share dominion […]

It is OK to Win!

When Homer Simpson and Barney Gumble’s competition for a seat on space mission came to its inevitable conclusion, a NASA official awkwardly tried to lessen […]

Fifty Years of St. Conleth’s Women!

Ann Sheppard, as she always does, pulled it off! The end of May is a mad time at every school, but especially at St. Conleth’s, […]

And the Winner is…

We cannot seem to cut our ties with the Class of 2024! To be honest, they are just such good company! Two last bits from […]

Our Talented Youth!

Our TYs are already enjoying their well-earned summer break, but one last bit of news: Milo Smith (International Relations), Daire O’Daly, John Byrne (Physics), Saoirse […]

Fifty Years of Co-Education Celebration: Tonight!

We all have our favourite sayings of Kevin Kelleher, ‘Mr. St. Conleth’s’ for so many years. Some of those witticisms have been left behind by […]

The Hand of Gord!

Mr. Gordon Weldon never tires in his efforts to encourage St. Conleth’s to embrace the new ‘house system’ and the students responded this year with […]

Sixth Years, Skip this Article!

Are they gone? Yes, the Sixth Years are home and studying so we will now let you see the evidence of the recent carnage: a […]

L’année de Transition, C’est Moi!

If anyone should be allowed some royal hubris, it is Gav Maguire. For five years he has ruled Transition Year… with a velvet glove, only […]


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