In One, Full Voice
The Annual School Mass, once again, brought together the whole St. Conleth’s community, reminding us of our past and spurring us towards the future, with our Christian ethos essential to us finding the way… starting with the short, but always eventful walk through the Ballsbridge side-streets to St. Mary’s Church on Haddington Rd. Juniors and […]
MoreA Conlethian Triptych!
Good things also come in threes! We have a trio of upcoming events which should tempt both alumni and parents to come out and gather in camaraderie and cordiality with their fellow Conlethians… especially, as the events start after ‘Dry January’…and you’ll be in the need of a little lift! First up is the culmination […]
MoreBert Beaters!
While the rest of us snuggled down further into the duvet, Junior Head of Sport Louis Magee and his crew were out there in the wind and rain! Last Saturday, our Junior School Rugby teams (3rd to 6th) took place in various blitzes from Greystones to Rathmines. 12 games played: 7 wins, 4 losses and […]
MoreHalloween Happenings!
Happy Halloween! But before you go tricking or treating, check out these pics from our midterm-ending costumed capers! And, of course, our Juniors provided the most enthusiastic and creative Happy Halloween happenings!
MoreScare Tactics!
Oíche Shamhna shona daoibh go léir! Art Teacher Ms. Mellon and the Juniors are up first in the Halloween Holiday Hullabaloo with their handmade disco balls for the Monsters’ Ball. Here are First, Second and Fourth Forms, all hard at their Halloween work, eager to finish first in the scream stakes!
MoreMaths Magicians!
Yes, technically, Maths week was last week, but like a repeating decimal or pi… Maths never really stops! This year, we were delighted to welcome back Past Pupil Colm Mulcahy (Class of 1975): Irish mathematician, academic, columnist, book author, public outreach speaker, amateur magician and spinner of engaging Maths stories. Colm is Professor Emeritus at Spelman College, […]
MoreArt… Worked!
It was an evening to remember, as the Conlethian creatives, and their many fans, gathered to celebrate our 85th birthday with Artworks, a multi-storey, multi-media tribute to our artistic legacy. The art works of both professional and talented amateur alumni were on display, as well as those of staff and current students, but the greatest […]
MoreInspirational Information!
Nearly everyone worked late last Monday night, and it has taken us almost a week to recover but it was worth it as the St. Conleth’s Senior School Information Evening and Junior School Open Morning were, once again, smashing successes. Such was excitement on Clyde Road that the US Embassy security staff were on high […]
MoreAlumni Who Lunch
In 2020, Past Past Pupils Union Presidents Donal Milmo-Penny and John Carvill organised the first ever St. Conleth’s Business Lunch and it was a smashing success, with close to 100 attendees at the Lansdowne FC. The featured speaker was Past Parent and entrepreneur Brody Sweeney and, by all accounts, his talk was as entertaining as […]
MoreYou Are Very Welcome!
… to our ‘Open Days’! First Year 2025 The Open Evening for prospective 2025 First Year families will be held on Monday 23rd September 2024 from 7-9pm. Families who have already registered an interest will receive an email on Monday 2nd September to register for priority access to the event. The priority access window will be open for 2 weeks. On Monday 16th September […]