7 February 2025

Fencing Pays!

6 February 2018

The recent exploits of Philip Cripwell, Class of 2014, marry two of our consistent themes at stconleths.ie: fencing and STEM.  Fencing, as you can see above and below, is a consistent good news generator at the school, as training continues for both Juniors and Seniors under Maître David Couper and our merry band of swordsmen gather trophies from far and wide.  Of course, fencing has been a part of St. Conleth’s since the beginning, and Philip played a pivotal role in its legacy while a student here, winning at every level in many competitions.  And as you can see from this attached letter from TCD, Philip’s fencing has gone from strength to strength since graduation and is current East of Ireland, Irish Open and Senior National Champion, and now the proud recipient of a Trinity College Sports Scholarship.  And what is Philip’s chosen field of study? Mechanical Engineering (that would be the ‘E’ in STEM).  So, yes, the laboratory and school sports hall can claim equal credit for this latest Conlethian alumnus making the headlines!

by Charles Latvis

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