7 February 2025
Cúpla Focal!

TYs are getting their Irish up! With the help of Múinteoirí O’Dualing, Fay and Dorman (Gradaim), eleven students received Gold and twelve received Silver, earning the Conradh na Gaeilge Fáinne badge, which encourages the speaking of Irish with the motto: “Ár dTeanga Do Rogha” (Our Language Your Choice)! This will help them with preparation for their […]

Green Convenors!

We all know how enthusiastic is our Green Schools czar, Cecilia. She has been teaching and leading TYs all year in recycling and other green issues under the guise of CSPE: Sustainability, and we enjoyed the lunchtime ‘battery bazaar’ a couple of weeks ago. Well, more photos have come to light from that celebration of […]

Stone Aged!

Yes, the Conlethian D4-ers and SoCo-ers might have been forgiven for thinking that Irish culture began at Teddy’s on the Pier and ended at the Liffey, with a narrow extension into Terminal 2, but now they have no excuse: after Ms. Halpin and Ms. Speller bravely led a coach full of Fifth and Sixth Year […]

Gaeilge 24!

The Irish Department twisted our collective arm and commandeered TY for a day to celebrate Gaeilge 24! Starting with Bricfeasta as Gaeilge, Mr. ODualing joined in for some Tae agus Plé, followed by a nation-wide Tráth na gCeist. But Gaeilge 24 was not over yet! Still to come was Tóraíocht Taisce and Poc Fada down […]

Watch Out, Saoirse and Cillian!

Hollywood has been in love with the Irish lately, with Saoirse Ronan and Cillian Murphy regularly in the Oscar hunt and they may soon have some home-grown competition, judging by the writing, directing and acting talent on show in Ms. ODulaing’s Fifth Year Irish. During their last class of the half-term, they had an ‘Oscars’ […]

St. Conleth’s, Distilled

We have been writing much about Conlethian ethos and spirit lately, and serendipitously we ran into an alumnus who is one, big, boisterous, walking, talking vessel of that true, old St. Conleth’s essence: Gavan O’Connor Duffy (Class of 2009), or as our Sixth Years know him, now, the Earl of Gloucester. Yes, the Leaving Certificate […]

Learning by Listening

It was 1A’s turn to wander off into town and visit the Museum of Modern Literature and their workshop titled ‘Shut Your Eyes and See’, which explores Irish literature, past and present, hoping to inspire the next generation to read and write. Dr. Fallon and Mr. O’Dualing also enjoyed the trip, with the fine weather […]

Dynamic O’Dualings on the Double!

The O’Dualing household is usually full of banter and chat in our nation’s first language, but our Principal (Mr. Donal O’Dualing) and our réalta óg of a teacher (Miss Caoilfhionn O’Dualing) don’t mind using their second tongue occasionally, especially if it benefits the students. Recently, this dynamic duo of O’Dulaings (and trusty sidekick Simon) accompanied […]

It is OK to Win!

When Homer Simpson and Barney Gumble’s competition for a seat on space mission came to its inevitable conclusion, a NASA official awkwardly tried to lessen the blow for you-know-whom: ‘Gentlemen, you’ve both worked very hard. And in a way, you’re both winners… But in another, more accurate way, Barney is the winner.’ Well, we at St. […]

And the Winner is…

We cannot seem to cut our ties with the Class of 2024! To be honest, they are just such good company! Two last bits from Graduation to interest you: the complete gallery of Sixth Year Award Winners and the video of the visit to the Hill of Tara, incredibly produced by Mr. Weldon on the […]


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