It is OK to Win!

When Homer Simpson and Barney Gumble’s competition for a seat on space mission came to its inevitable conclusion, a NASA official awkwardly tried to lessen […]

And the Winner is…

We cannot seem to cut our ties with the Class of 2024! To be honest, they are just such good company! Two last bits from […]

L’année de Transition, C’est Moi!

If anyone should be allowed some royal hubris, it is Gav Maguire. For five years he has ruled Transition Year… with a velvet glove, only […]

TYs are GO!

Months in the making… multiple diva explosions and walk-outs …. numerous wardrobe malfunctions… the Kirwan twins on the loose: it has been a hectic run-up […]

Art in April!

With JC and LC Art finally in the bag (or, rather, State Examination Commission envelopes), let’s turn the spotlight on the art that Ms. Halpin […]

Pitch Perfect!

When Manus Macgearailt (Class of 2020) was studying Music at St. Conleth’s, his own performances were always ‘pitch perfect’… if not always so, his classmates’. […]

School of Rock!

Yes, as evidenced in the recording below, we perhaps captured too much of that cool and edgy feedback and reverb with which our house bands […]

Conlethians Raise the Roof!

Ms. McGuinness and Ms. O’Dualing led the St. Conleth’s School Choir to take part in the Emmanuel Concert at The Helix with Transition Year Ben […]

Scyllbidi Toilets!

Culture on the Double! Second and Sixth Years enjoyed a visit to the RHA Gallery where they got to admire (but not use) a Charybdis-powered […]

Last Christmas…

Before we start the new year and the new term… some end-of-term festive highlights, starting with the Senior Christmas Carols Concert. The whole Senior School […]


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