10 September 2024

Senior Sport

31 August 2023

At St. Conleth’s, we realize that healthy minds and spirits necessitate a healthy body, so we fully encourage participation in our various extra-curricular sporting opportunities.  And though ‘participation’ is our mantra, we also see the value of good-natured, well-mannered keen competition in building confidence and sociability.  In our traditional sport, Rugby, we have a proud tradition of competitiveness, sportsmanship (and trophies!) in the Leinster League and Cup competitions.  Basketball has a more recent pedigree at St. Conleth’s, but it has quickly become a proud one.  All-Ireland National Cup and League trophies sit in our case, and we have had several Irish players in recent years.  Hockey has taken St. Conleth’s by storm, with several of our teams already grabbing Leinster glory and a competitive but friendly ‘hockey culture’ taking root.  Tennis and Fencing have been Conlethian mainstays since Mr. Sheppard opened the doors, and the school gym and Herbert Park courts are still filled with talented and nattily attired adherents of these two sophisticated sports.   Sailing is also part of our sporting history, with our school team crowned All-Ireland champions in 2023. And our Athletics forays appeal to both the masses, with 60+ often attending cross country races, and the specialists, with Leinster finalists in several events in recent years.  Rest assured, at St. Conleth’s, there is a sport for you!  league and cup competitions and filling the school gym with the sounds of effort and fun, every afternoon.

  • Rugby
  • Hockey
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Fencing
  • Sailing
  • Athletics
  • Golf
  • &c. …
by crimmins

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