10 September 2024


4 October 2023

One of James Joyce’s less indecipherable motifs is the use of the river to explain life’s beguiling but inevitable flow… Well, our First Years are now well around the first bend of their new lives at St. Conleth’s College, and, so far, so great: they have taken to the Conlethian water like ducks! They especially enjoyed their visit to the Museum of Literature of Ireland with Mr. ODulaing, Dr. Fallon and Mr. Gahan. Ulysses and Finnegan’s Wake were fully explained to our First Years during an introduction to James Joyce and there was also a workshop on creative writing, where our very talented young writers learned how to put their ideas into words and how to avoid some pitfalls of the trade … such as the mixed metaphor at the start of this paragraph!

by Charles Latvis

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