7 February 2025

PPU… phew!

7 March 2023

Denizens of Greater Ballsbridge and Donnybrook hold their collective breaths every year on the first Friday of March because that is when the carnival comes to town: the Past Pupils Union Annual Dinner is always the liveliest gig in town on that night, and the 2023 version did not disappoint. The members of our PPU, like our current student body, reflect our diversity, spirit and downright quirkiness… and we seem to just get better with age! PPU President Peter O’Neill, PPU Benign Despot Ronan O’Kelly, and Committee for Public Safety Members Marianne Comer and Donal Milmo-Penny orchestrated an evening that managed to combine proper, sober acknowledgements of alumni accomplishments with the frantic fun with which we all associate the night. Despite the habitual rowdiness, Peter and Ronan compèred with the right measures of wit and gravitas, the latter particularly evident during the tribute to Pierre Zakrzewski and his enduring and inspirational legacy.

The Class Photos

The Covid Kids

Yes, the photos are in… but there is no need to call your lawyer!  Yes, we know how you usually spend the morning after the Past Pupils Union Dinner in a cringing state of apprehension of some social media outlet’s pictorial display of you nocturnal misadventures, but you can relax and go ahead and get that modem boinging because all the photos that we have seen merely capture the good, old-fashioned fun of the festivities! Our student photographers showed the good taste of forwarding only the ones which portray ourselves as we truly are: upstanding (or at least standing), relatively sober and with both eyes (mostly) open.  Enjoy them and sign up with the PPU on Facebook too see even more.  Oh yes, there is also the little issue of the negatives from the Photo-Booth.  Those are a bit more interesting and may be obtained with a small donation payable to your alma mater.  That extension is not going to build itself!

The Old Timers

Handsome Young Male Alumni

by Charles Latvis

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