10 September 2024

Andy Warhol Looks A Scream!

25 October 2023

Our Senior School aesthetes are also stretching their creative horizons… and their legs. Reporting a bit late, but just in time for the Goths’ favourite holiday, here are highlights of Ms. Halpin’s Fifth and Sixth Year Art Classes trip to the Hugh Lane Gallery for the Andy Warhol ‘Three Times Out’ and the Botanic Gardens for their ‘Sculpture in Context’ exhibit.

And, while we’re at it, let’s catch you up with some other of our students artistic adventures. Ms. Halpin, invoking the spirit and work of David Hedderman (2001), led her Second and Fifth Years in collaboration, working in layers and a multitude of mediums and even over each others drawings, sketching anything and everything around them! Learning not to be precious! Our Second Years kept up their share of the work in the artistic partnership, further developing their perspective pieces. Even the Junior School pupils got in on the act, inspiring and pleasantly distracting their older Conlethian brethren!

by Charles Latvis

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