2 January 2025

Healthy Minds and Bodies

12 October 2023

St. Conleth’s prides itself on educating ‘the whole child’ and the Junior School manages this through a combination of fun and interactive classes, a wide and varied PE programme, competitive sports teams and Mindfulness lessons with the Tower of Soft Power, Louis Magee. Below you see just some of the activities (and healthy non-activities!) the students and their teachers and coaches have been up to.

The Junior School ‘wild geese’ rugby teams were on the road again last weekend, orchestrated by Head of Sport Louis Magee. Third Form through Sixth Form were in St. Mary’s, St. Micheals, St. Gerard’s and Willow Park. Great performances by all involved, with tries galore!

Louis Magee’s Junior School Well-Being Programme includes team activities such as “Mindful Jenga”. The focus was on a steady breath before you tried to stop the tower from falling… and accepting any collapses with good humour and good grace! Lots of fun had!

And our Juniors are getting their own basketball season going: here we see Mr. Sheridan’s Fifth Form enjoying some fun but competitive action in the Sports Hall.

Hockey Hysteria starts again! Junior School up first, as Third Form have joined sessions for the first time. And Ms. Leary had the help of TYs, who showed great coaching skills… and patience!

And our Infants are learning their PE rules, moves and tumbles from a Conlethian legend: one Mr. Shay Keenan, who has invited quite a few classes of students into the sports hall over the years… and always with the same encouragement and enthusiasm!

by Charles Latvis

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