27 July 2024

School Mission Statement

7 March 2023
Our Mission Statement expresses our ethos and underpins all what we do in St. Conleth’s.

The school seeks to provide a fully rounded Catholic education for all of its students by:

  • creating a happy, healthy and safe environment in which all students may develop their own personal gifts and interests, be valued for who they are, and experience true equality amongst themselves
  • celebrating and deepening our Catholic faith through prayer, liturgy, religion classes, and the general fostering of Christian values
  • providing a disciplined environment in which teaching and learning can take place in a spirit of co-operation
  • promoting academic excellence and habits of perseverance in students
  • equipping students with the necessary moral, social and cultural qualities useful for adult life, and offering them guidance regarding their future role and career in society
  • fostering dignity in the workplace and encouraging respect among, and between, teachers, staff and students
  • ensuring that students and staff of other churches and faiths are respected and encouraged in their religious beliefs and practices,
  • respecting students and staff who follow other beliefs and philosophies, and with whom we share common values of equality, peace, justice, dialogue and concern for the less fortunate members of society
  • creating a sense of belonging to our local Parish, and also to the wider community around us and in countries of the developing world, and encouraging our students’ involvement in social and religious activities
by crimmins

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