Art Matters!

26 September 2024

Over the years, St. Conleth’s reputation for casual cool, our liberal interpretation of the uniform and general quirkiness has led to the rumour that we were, in fact, an ‘art school’. (And maybe a ‘drama school’.) Well, that reputation suits us just fine, as we have always had a vibrant art scene, and we are about to pull on our Doc Martens, apply the black eyeliner and celebrate that creative vision and tradition in grand style, as it is ‘Art at St. Conleth’s’ that demands the spotlight at our 85th Birthday Celebrations. The musicians had their moment to warble and strum on stage (at our 80th) and the debaters were allowed to spout more than enough high fallutin’ rhetoric (at our 75th): now, it’s the artists’ turn! Ms. Halpin and Ms. Mellon have been working their pencils to the nub organising this multi-media and multi-glass-of-prosecco event. (Apparently, creatives are not the best keepers of deadlines…) But it has all been worth it. And Artworks will also feature the launch of the 85th Anniversary Quinquennial, designed by of one of our quirkiest Saturday morning Art Class sartorialists: Charles Crimmins (Class of 1990). Space is limited, as we need to leave room for grand gestures, but if you would like to come along, contact Ms. Halpin or Mr. Kilcommons at the school… especially if you are willing to bid big-time in our silent auction of alumni art!

As part of our 85th Celebrations, Muralist Vanessa Power (@signsofpower) has completed our new school hall mural with the help of student artists, gangmaster Louise Halpin and patron, CEO Tony Kilcommons!

by Charles Latvis

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