It is OK to Win!

When Homer Simpson and Barney Gumble’s competition for a seat on space mission came to its inevitable conclusion, a NASA official awkwardly tried to lessen […]

And the Winner is…

We cannot seem to cut our ties with the Class of 2024! To be honest, they are just such good company! Two last bits from […]

The Hand of Gord!

Mr. Gordon Weldon never tires in his efforts to encourage St. Conleth’s to embrace the new ‘house system’ and the students responded this year with […]

Sixth Years, Skip this Article!

Are they gone? Yes, the Sixth Years are home and studying so we will now let you see the evidence of the recent carnage: a […]

Sportsday: The Motion Picture

A few more highlights from the Senior School Sportsday:

Fun in the Sun at Sportsday!

The exodus from one side of Dublin 4 to the other began soon after Form Class, and though we lost a few stragglers in the meandering […]

Athletics on the Double!

Our Junior Athletics teams were very quick… much quicker than our reporting! Here are some of the 13 medal-winning Conlethian team from the AIJS Championships, […]

Conleth’s Goes County!

And we bring home the bling! Messrs. (and messers!) Smith and Weldon may hail from counties with rather poor results, lately, but they brought their […]

Sailors and Gentlemen

Another great day in the long, storied history of St. Conleth’s sailing, but also a tough one. At the Leinster Sailing Schools Final, the Conlethian […]

Tennis…Everyone! (Updated…again!!)

Nestled as we are between the shadow-dappled courts of Herbert Park and the power and prestige of the Fitzwilliam Lawn and Tennis Club, it is […]


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